Arquivo por tag: Comércio Internacional

New! Policy Brief #15 “Brazilian business mission will enhance economic relations between Brazil and Saudi Arabia” by Mateus José da Silva Santos

New Policy Brief #15 “Brazilian business mission will enhance economic relations between Brazil and Saudi Arabia” by Mateus José da Silva Santos

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New! Working Paper #03 2024: Lula in Africa: Historical symptoms of rapprochement efforts by Mateus Santos

(…) “At the opening of the XXXVII Summit of the African Union, the Brazilian President’s speech reaffirmed his government’s interest in bringing Brazil and the African continent closer together by building joint solutions to the problems related to the current global crisis. English Editon/Edição em Português

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Inevitability of the African Century? Afro-Asian Infrastructure and Transport Corridors by Lorenzo Somigli

The world has undergone a profound transformation, and a new geopolitical phase has started. The edges of the Rimland (Ukraine, Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, Myanmar, western Indian subcontinent, sporadically Central Asia and possibly Korean peninsula) is on fire; something momentous is about to happen.  While Eurasia hindered, African people must be able to seize the opportunity …

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¿Qué futuro le espera al Mercosur?

La victoria electoral de Javier Milei en Argentina provocó una ola de debates sobre el futuro del Mercosur. El bloque regional está dividido con respecto a una serie de cuestiones y la firma del acuerdo con la UE sigue en entredicho. Expertos señalan que el Mercosur podría enfrentar en el futuro la falta de legitimidad …

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New Policy Brief #07: Brazil’s return to CELAC puts the country back on the world stage as a Latin American leader” by Jóhidson de Oliveira e Izan Araujo

New Policy Brief  Released #07!

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